
Changes to prebookings

Prebooking your parking has changed

Your QR code is located at the top of your Booking Confirmation

When prebooking your parking you now no longer need to scan your credit card at the entry of the car park.

The recent introduction of license plate recognition means the next time you prebook your parking, your license plate will be automatically scanned when you enter the car park. There's nothing you need to do when entering and exiting the car park.

What do I do if my license plate doesn't scan?

Simply scan the QR code found in your booking confirmation PDF sent to your email address when you prebooked. Please don't scan your credit card to enter the car park.

You can use your phone to scan the QR code or a printout of your booking confirmation PDF, but there's no need to print anything out unless you prefer to!

Need help?

If you're at the car park press the phone (help) button on the entry machine. Our Central Control Room team will be able to help you enter the car park.

Otherwise contact the UPark Customer Service Team:

Scan your QR code as below for prebookings